The Plaid Horse
TPH is the largest targeted marketing to the hunter/ jumper community and enjoys the greatest social media client ad exposure of any hunter/jumper magazine.
- Averaging 400K page views per month
U.S. Website Audience – Spread over the entire country, with highest numbers in California, New York, Florida, Illinois, and Texas
International Audience growing exponentially
Social Media Platforms reach
- 122,000+
- 71K+ Facebook Followers
- 12K – 500K Organic Post Reach
- 81K+ Instagram followers, concentrated in 18-24 and 45-54 age groups
- 85K+ Pinterest engagement
Find the Plaid Horse on:
- Web: theplaidhorse.com
- Instagram: @theplaidhorsemag
- Facebook: facebook.com/ theplaidhorsemag
- TikTok: @theplaidhorsemag
- Threads: @theplaidhorsemag
Exclusive email devoted exclusively to your content and delivered to the entire TPH subscriber base.
Subscribers: 85,000+
$1,825 per deployment
Instagram Posts
$1,450 per post
Article / Press Release
Posted on theplaidhorse.com
Client Provided Content – $700
Written by TPH $1,500
Display Sidebar Ads
Run of Site banner placements.
$2,725 for 2 months

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