Crains New York Business
Crain’s New York Business is the trusted voice of the New York business community – connecting businesses across the five boroughs by providing analysis and opinion on how to navigate New York’s complex business and political landscape.
Crains has an Influential Audience of Decisionmakers
- 78% are Top Management Professionals
- 60% are C-Suite Level Executive
- 41% serve on a Corporate or Non-Profit Board
- 87% influence Capital Expenditures, Leasing, or Purchasing
- Average Household Income: $619,000
- Average value of main residence: $1,748,000
- Average net worth: $4.37 million
Real Estate Daily E-Newsletter
- Subscribers: 15,000
- Average Open Rate: 42%
- 100% SOV
$2,650 or $4,200 /Week (Mon- Fri, 5 Sends)
(Mon- Fri, 5 Sends)
Run of Site Impressions
ROS ads appear throughout the site, in multiple positions and sizes. Reach the Crain’s executive audience by showcasing your message throughout the site or choose specific channels.
4 available ad units: 728×90, 300×250, 300×50
$2,650- 50,000 Impressions
$2,650- 50,000 Impressions
Luxury Home Spotlight
Sponsored Packages Includes:
- Exclusive custom e-blast featuring your luxury home listing shared with our digital readers
- A page hosted on featuring a slide show, listing details and a link to the listing on your website
- A quarter-page four-color print ad to run the following Monday in Crain’s New York Business, placed in a far-forward position and labeled Crain’s Content Studio Luxury Home Spotlight.
- Native ad promotional package to drive traffic to content
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