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Elevate your brand with duPont REGISTRY, connecting elite buyers and sellers for nearly 40 years. DuPont REGISTRY captivates the world’s wealthiest individuals with premium content on the most coveted luxury items. DuPont REGISTRY’s digital platform garners over 13 million monthly views.

Their audience includes the elite you need to reach: professional athletes, A-list celebrities, Fortune 500 executives, top luxury dealerships, and the ultra-affluent.

Branded Content Post

A content article post developed by duPont REGISTRY and aligned with your goals.

Pageviews/Post: 5-10K
Average CTR: 5%

This Branded Content Post comes with Newsletter Inclusions.
Newsletter Inclusions:

  • Daily Newsletter
    • 77,000 opt-in Subscribers
    • Open Rate: 18-20%
  • Luxury Lifestyle Newsletter
    • 2,500 opt-in Subscribers



Dedicated Email Blast

DuPont REGISTRY’s dedicated email allows you control over your messaging to make an impact allowing you to share your story, connecting you directly with a highly engaged audience of ultra-affluent enthusiasts.

  • 88,000 opt-in subscribers
  • Open Rate: 18-20%


Single Email Blast: $15,000

2 or More Email Blasts: $12,500/Blast

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Address, Property ID, etc
Please share any additional information about your property and/or target audience and geos here.

Complementary Custom Marketing Plan

Click here for Sky to create a customized print and digital marketing plan for your ultra-luxury property or development.